Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Business Math from a starter's perspective

Solving equations and dealing with problem solving were one of my worst nightmares back when I was in high school and finding out that we'd be having another Math subject gave me a mini heart attack. But seeing the word "business" incorporated with the subject name instantly pumped my blood all the way through my heart and I started to breathe again. (Exaggeration at it's finest! Haha)

I've always wanted to have my own business not only to earn money but also to make use of my talent and also to make it up to my parents by not asking for my weekly allowance anymore. But the problem is I don't really know where and how to start. That's why I really do believe that learning more about Business Math would really help me be more productive as an individual and as an aspiring soon-to-be Entrepreneur. 

In our previous class discussion, our professor tackled about profit and as I'm learning more about it, I've come to a conclusion that business is not just for the businessman to acquire money but also for him to provide his customers a pretty good deal. 

And before I forget, I'm also very thrilled to introduce and to have Mr. Cris Paner as my professor because aside from the fact that he's a motivated, high-energy educator with demonstrated highly-satisfactory track record fostering student learning, he also posess a strong background in Science and Mathematics. You can check him out at


  1. I Like the "mini heartbreak" part! haha:) Our subject will surely help us in the near future.. especially if we are aspiring Entrepreneurs.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. HAHAHAHA! It surely will :) Thanks hazel! :D

  4. We are truly lucky to have Sir Paner as our prof! Haha there's more to math than meets the eye. I hope you won't get another mini heart attack on our future classes! :))

  5. start our own businesses now! take business math seriously, we need to earn pa naman for our thesis.
